Lauder Featured Speaker in Bellevue, Phoenix

Orthopedic surgeon Anthony J. Lauder, MD, of Longview Orthopedic Associates was the featured speaker at recent professional conferences in Bellevue, Washington, and Phoenix, Arizona.
Dr. Lauder’s Bellevue presentation in April was titled "Distal Radius Fractures: The Evolution of Treatment." Typically, the result of a fall, the distal radius fracture occurs near the wrist and is the most common forearm fracture.
"The talk encompassed the full gambit of treatment options for distal radius fractures, including how they were treated during the days of the gladiators to how they are more often treated with plates and screws today," Lauder said.
He also spoke to 60 residents at the Science Care Lab in Phoenix in May about the use of specialized conduits (tubes) to aid in nerve repairs. This was followed by a cadaver dissection session focused on the upper arm.
Dr. Lauder completed a hand surgery fellowship at the University of Washington in 2006 and subsequently earned Subspecialty Certification in Surgery of the Hand. He has co-authored nearly a dozen books dealing with the hand and wrist.
"I’ve always had an itch for teaching," Lauder said. "It’s extremely gratifying to be able to aid young, enthusiastic surgeons."
Longview Orthopedic Associates is located at 625 9th Avenue at Pacific Surgical Institute.