Kung Instructs Surgeons at Master Shoulder and Knee Courses

Peter Kung, MD, of Longview Orthopedic Associates was recently invited to teach two peer group sessions for orthopedic surgeons from around the U.S. at industry-sponsored courses in Tracy, California, headquarters of Pacific Medical, a distributorship for Arthrex.
Arthrex is one of the leaders in sports medicine, with the company’s 7,500 products accounting for 30 percent of all sales in the sports market.
Kung teamed with Dr. JimLubowitz from Taos, New Mexico, to teach a Masters Knee Course on July 26th. Lubowitz is a pioneer in the field of knee surgery and editor of the prestigious Arthroscopy Journal. Attendees included 24 surgeons, surgical technician students, and sales reps.
Kung delivered two lectures, one on partial knee replacements and the other on joint preservation techniques utilizing BioCartilage. After the lectures, participants honed their skills in a wet lab. Lubowitz and Kung rotated from station to station to provide assistance.
"This was a great opportunity to share information about these topics because so many patients can benefit from these procedures," Kung said." Both are appropriate for patients who are not candidates for total knee replacements because their arthritis is not severe enough. These are excellent options for people who are living in pain, yet are not candidates for total knee replacements."
In early August, Kung was invited to Tracy to teach a Masters Shoulder Course with Dr. Patrick Denard of Medford, Oregon. Kung again gave two lectures, one regarding new surgical techniques for shoulder separations and the other about advances in labral fixation for shoulder instability. After the lectures, participants practiced arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs, shoulder separation techniques, and arthroscopic shoulder instability cases under the supervision of Kung and Denard.
"It was an excellent experience," Kung said."I really enjoyed the chance to educate other surgeons. It’s an honor to be invited to instruct at these courses because theparticipants have made the decision to take time from their busy schedules to attend."
Kung said his selection as an instructor also provides validation that he and his fellow surgeons at Longview Orthopedic Associates are on the cutting edge when it comes to surgical techniques.
LOA is located at 625 9th Avenue at Pacific Surgical Institute. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call .